
A single platform for your offline reservations: resbox

By optimizing all of your offline reservation processes with Resbox, you can efficiently utilize both your manpower and time.

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We are growing with 250+ hotels and 50+ provider integrations.


Easily manage your offline reservations with Resbox, whether from the web or mobile.

Resbox instantly monitors all your offline channels where you accept reservations checks your new reservations, calculates the reservation fees according to your contracts and integrates it them into your hotel management system upon your approval.

Why Resbox?

Thanks to Resbox's robust software architecture and user-centric interface design, works are easier and more practical than ever before

  1. Trustworthy

    With a robust and multi-layered security infrastructure, it safeguards your reservation information and allows you to access it securely whenever you want

  2. Compatible

    It works fully compatible with the hotel management systems you use, allowing you to easily manage your offline reservations through the interfaces you are familiar with.

  3. Smart

    It compares prices of reservations from your offline channels, checks them for you, and instantly notifies you.

  4. Sustainable

    Climate action is a societal movement. As Resbox, we contribute to this mission. While organizing your documents for you, we also eliminate paper waste, thus contributing to climate change on our own behalf.


Tourism 2.0 A new generation hospitality experience with Resbox.

Resbox has been developed by combining tourism and technology, taking into account all the features you need to view and manage all your reservations from a single place professionally.

  • 1If there’s Resbox, there is no room for error .
  • 2 Your hotel is one step ahead with Resbox
  • 3All documents related to your reservations are secure with Resbox.

Everything is at the speed of light

resbox constantly checks reservation information within milliseconds by sending instant queries to your hotel management system (PMS) and the offline channels where you accept reservations.

Thus, while no detail is overlooked, it contributes to managing all operational processes more efficiently by accelerating them.

files 1,318,897 The number of offline reservations processed by Resbox so far.

Our technology partners who trust us and the 50+ providers we integrate with.

Join Resbox now

To prevent thousands of reservation errors made every day, manage your offline reservations via Resbox now

Hundreds of hotels prefer Resbox over traditional methods to manage their reservations from 50+ providers from a single platform. Try 14 days as free
If you wish, contact us directly. +90 850 309 59 36
  • Try 14 days
    as free
  • Free cancel at
    any time.
  • Free PMS
  • Live support
Calculate Your Average Cost
Resbox Calculator calculate
Hotel Name
Number of Rooms
Your pricing

Installation Fee *Installation fee is billed only once. € 0.00

  • Watching multiple offline channels
  • Management of reservations received via e-mail
  • Calculation of standard price
  • Free PMS integration
  • Mobile access and usage
  • Cancelation at anytime

Resbox montly €0.00

Resbox annual €0.00

Try 14 days as free Contact us +90 850 309 59 36
Frequently Asked Questions

If you're considering using Resbox for your offline hotel reservations, you probably have some questions. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled the most frequently asked questions (FAQs).

  • What is Resbox?

    " resbox is a web-based reservation management system that allows offline reservations from different channels to be managed and controlled from one place."

  • How do I start using resbox?

    Fill out the contact form now and our team will get in touch with you and create your 14-day free demo account.

  • Is my data safe with resbox?

    Your reservation information is secure thanks to Resbox's robust and multi-layered security systems. Your information will not be shared with any third parties under any circumstances.

  • Can I create resbox accounts for multiple users?

    You can create multiple users for your resbox account and specify different authority levels for each user.

  • Can I cancel my resbox membership at any time?

    You can cancel your resbox membership at any time.

Do you need a different solution?

Contact us now for the solutions we have developed specifically for your hotel's needs.